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[GET] The Captivating Content System + OTO1 + OTO2

[GET] Instagram Mastery and Monetization - Josue Pena


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Introduction to Instagram Mastery & Monetization

Welcome to the Best Instagram course available - https://youtu.be/70gCzPB1fFk

Join the Digital CEOs Insiders - https://youtu.be/dS1mqfdLDuI

Basic Instagram Setup

Email and Security - https://youtu.be/SwZkdhzFoUY

Name vs Handle - https://youtu.be/nFHmDHB-A0c

Notification Set up - https://youtu.be/j4sMLCnsT9I

Business account and Linking to Facebook - https://youtu.be/k1ghdT25L4w

Deciding your Niche - https://youtu.be/0B32CCFlbOI

Deciding your type of account - https://youtu.be/L9sejY07c3U

Username selection - Branding vs Romanticism - https://youtu.be/7s3W3-pltA4

Growth Module

Intro to Market Research - https://youtu.be/2jprK0wo7vs

Competitors vs Influencers - https://youtu.be/yTxWrs3UNuQ (Competitors vs Influencers Part 1)
- https://youtu.be/BPwwgpj-u_o (Competitors vs Influencers Part 2)

Content Research - https://youtu.be/aCZ3sDAgJA8 (Content Research Part 1)
- https://youtu.be/1chtslodQfY (Content Research Part 2)

Best Performing Posts - BPP - https://youtu.be/-wTprOQz30g

Research Instagram Stories - https://youtu.be/yWXC5cGgY00

Hashtags - https://youtu.be/sNAzzodF0SA (Hashtags Part 1)
- https://youtu.be/aI4kPs95IiM (Hashtags Part 2)
- https://youtu.be/bWX-qs2kuK8 (Hashtags for Branding)

Geo-Location - https://youtu.be/T5FA5rUK6Fo

Analytics - https://youtu.be/Er0oODS7x9E

Implementation - Growth Module

Intro to Implementation - https://youtu.be/Dm4siYfnAB8

Optimizing your profile - https://youtu.be/id_OfEwWWVQ (Optimizing your Profile Part 1)
- https://youtu.be/SSN-nUYyuLo (Optimizing your Profile Part 2)

Writing Captions - https://youtu.be/ZXXVASEyxHo

Implementing the Hashtag Research - https://youtu.be/LgzMfnMBL-g

Your First Instagram Post - https://youtu.be/PDb4KbuY3D4

Content Creation - https://youtu.be/Vd0qzVI_Wn0

Audience Emotional Response - https://youtu.be/mZUaCuQ1dHQ

Competition vs Collaboration - https://youtu.be/2-v1_SDZsQY

Instagram Stories - https://youtu.be/4EiIC0W1YiU

Growth Hacks - Growth Module

Intro to Growth Hacks - https://youtu.be/aXMY7sbu53g

Follow for Follow - https://youtu.be/VxC50jYazIY

Competition & giveaways - https://youtu.be/Ig_ziy8_AFQ

Name SEO Hack - https://youtu.be/i_D2loytZys

Creating Fan Pages - https://youtu.be/UduYcMdrbyc

Avalanches and Buying Shoutouts - https://youtu.be/omUMoMGIm9A

Engagement Groups - https://youtu.be/2skfiQi5KAc

Shout 4 Shout Groups - https://youtu.be/QNHjDGin1cs

Hashtag and Round Groups - https://youtu.be/aTCKYDZvGNw

The Core Principles of Networking - https://youtu.be/ZHjGC9cvm_I

From Growth to Monetization - https://youtu.be/iDuTXkTKyw4

Monetization Module

Concept of Monetization - https://youtu.be/jVG9dfLEzIo

Email lists and Sales Funnels - https://youtu.be/YA5BCKj4JJw
- https://youtu.be/y01O93kz2cw (Your Free Instagram Sales Funnels)
- https://app.clickfunnels.com/funnels...emvb19pyyq655o (Your Free IG Funnel)
- https://app.clickfunnels.com/funnels...396tofzglf2w6v (Your Webinar Funnel)

The Buyers Process - https://youtu.be/mCIAC4Xyqw8

The Secret Formula - https://youtu.be/jA7cb98-0oo

The Value Ladder - https://youtu.be/bTAg-Ushk3s

Tying Concepts Together - https://youtu.be/B9GDtp7nkF0

Determine your Money Maker - https://youtu.be/Nz2Vj6Q25Uk

Landing Pages - https://youtu.be/7wOQcE9nPXA
- https://clickfunnels.com/?cf_affilia...iate_id=521479 (Access Clickfunnels)
- https://www.getresponse.com/index/digitalceos (Access Getresponse)

Auto-Responders and Automation - https://youtu.be/Bp21PkzZjKQ

Lead Magnets - https://youtu.be/yfyp7Fr5nIk
- https://youtu.be/Ge8zBs7RwqQ (Different types of Lead Magnets)

Set up your Domain - https://youtu.be/82GkgBVa8gk

Affiliates - https://youtu.be/aS_qsvSZR0o
- https://youtu.be/e2aalgt3oPI (Become an Affiliate for our course)

Email Copy - https://youtu.be/cd2YSbojPZU

Front End Vs. Back End - https://youtu.be/HPgBvy_mGyk

Sales - https://youtu.be/LYdgM4q9hLM

Earn money with a small following - https://youtu.be/Ou3emdc_7i0

Reverse Engineer - https://youtu.be/GfvSGtI6g1A


How to Build a Social Media Agency - https://youtu.be/SbpdItj6RPI

Closing Private Clients - https://youtu.be/eDBNsWobAcU

Restaurants/Bars/Coffee Shops/Food Places - https://youtu.be/fyMhTE-aXPE

Dentists/Salons/Hair Cut - https://youtu.be/tZDbY9G2s9U

Gyms/Fitness & Sports Centers - https://youtu.be/enBBonc0c_E

Hotels - https://youtu.be/jAhjRwGhpuE

Online Businesses - https://youtu.be/kusoK_m1B9g

Resource Center

Introduction To Resource Center - https://youtu.be/dS1mqfdLDuI

Internet Marketing Secrets - https://youtu.be/rV9vSXgZHtc
- https://dotcomsecretsbook.com/get-it...iate_id=521479 (Get Dotcomsecrets Now)

Access to the Network - https://youtu.be/rDMpVP2fwTk
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets...NAs/edit#gid=0

Complete Affiliate Kickstarter - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Rm...QX2kvukqk1zkTs

[GET] Commission Conspiracy


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https://mega.nz/#!veRBXSyB!TDWdYqvm1ktJGLSbncBnyAL1a0b2K7bL4Atwvr9 jmeY

[GET] [SUPER HOT SHARE] The Diabetes Summit, 23rd - 29th April 2018


Despite BILLIONS of dollars spent on pharmaceutical research, diabetes rates continue to rise. Plus, there are MORE THAN 70 diabetes drugs being prescribed in the U.S. alone - NONE that address the root causes or stops the progression of the disease. What we're doing now must change, because it isn't working. With the right education and action, it's ABSOLUTELY possible to change and save the lives of those on a path toward diabetes.

What you'll learn on this summit:
+ Root causes of diabetes and blood sugar problems
+ Blood sugar and your brain, gut, immune system, heart, hormones and weight
+ Natural solutions to underlying imbalances
+ Emerging research on environmental toxins, EMFs and other factors
+ How to protect your heart, kidneys, eyes, brain and sexual function

Day 1: April 23, 2018
- How Emotional Hormones Play a Role in Diabetes - Razi Ann Berry
- Your Genetic Code and Diabetes - Ben Lynch, ND
- Hypothyroidism and Diabetes: What You Need to Know - Izabella Wentz, PharmD, FASCP
- Advanced Factors in Blood Sugar Regulation - Evan Brand, BCHN, CFMP, NTP
- Essential Oils to Boost Health and Support Metabolism - Eric Zielinski, DC, MPH(c)

Day 2: April 24, 2018
- Role of the Gut in Healing and Reducing Inflammation - Kellyann Petrucci, MS, ND
- The Gluten Expert Discusses Gluten, Grains, and Diabetes - Peter Osborne, DC, DACBN, PScD
- Autoimmune Syndrome as a Biomarker for Chronic Disease - Tom O'Bryan, DC, CCN, DACBN
- Breaking Food Addiction to Improve Blood Sugar - Susan Peirce-Thompson, PhD
- Natural Medicine and Diabetes - Michael Murray, ND

Day 3: April 25, 2018
- Using a Sugar Detox To Break Carb Cravings - David Jockers, DNM, DC, MS
- Blood Sugar, Diabetes and Cardiovascular Health - Jack Wolfson, DO, FACC
- Can You Lose Weight Without Dieting? - Melissa Kathryn, CHN
- The Importance of the Liver in Type 2 Diabetes - Alan Christianson, NMD
- Using Essential Oils to Crush Sugar Cravings - Mariza Snyder, DC

Day 4: April 26, 2018
- Secrets to Improving Blood Sugar and Metabolic Health - Frank Lipman, MD
- Breaking Sugar Addiction by Understanding Your True Hunger - Cynthia Pasquella-Garcia
- Hormesis, Health and Diabetes - Ari Whitten
- Using a Success Mindset to Reach Optimal Health - Ben Lerner, DC
- Women's Hormones, Blood Sugar, Metabolic Issues, and Type 2 Diabetes - Jolene Brighten, ND

Day 5: April 27, 2018
- Eat, Stop, Eat: Intermittent Fasting for Diabetes - Brad Pilon
- Learning About Nutrition Through Self-Experimentation - Sam Feltham
- Blood Sugar, Insulin Resistance, Diabetes and Your Brain - Steven Masley, MD, FAHA
- Get in Control of Your Health, Blood Sugar and Life - Partha Nandi, MD, FACP
- Healing Foods and Activities for Vibrant Health - Erin Nielsen, PT, CHC

Day 6: April 28, 2018
- Natural Approach to Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes - Mona Morstein, ND
- Understanding PCOS and Insulin Resistance - Robin Nielsen
- Functional Diagnostic Nutrition to Support Diabetes - Reed Davis, FDN-P, CMTA
- EMFs and Their Impact on Health and Blood Sugar - Nicolas Pineault
- Toxin Connection to Diabetes and Metabolic Problems - Joseph Pizzorno, ND

Day 7: April 29, 2018
- Mold, Mycotoxins, Gut Health and Blood Sugar - Jill Carnahan, MD, ABFM, ABIHM, IFMCP
- How Your Body Makes, Regulates and Uses Insulin - Jody Stanislaw, ND, CDE, PWD
- Ketogenic Diet for Type 1 Diabetes - Keith Runyan, MD
- Low-Carb Diabetes Care in Family Practice - Jeffry N Gerber, MD, FAAFP


[GET] [SUPER HOT SHARE] The Human Longevity Project, 8th - 16th May 2018


The Human Longevity Project is a documentary film series that will take you on a journey around the globe to discover the secrets of the longest-lived and healthiest populations on Earth.

Filmed over 2 years, in over 50 locations, in 9 countries, on 3 continents, and featuring interviews from premier scientists, physicians, healers, and health experts, it will uncover key lifestyle, environmental, and physiological components to avoid chronic disease and put the brakes on aging in our modern world.

We examine the daily routines and lifestyle practices that range from preconception to geriatrics, with much more observational and scientific scrutiny than ever before. We will scientifically demonstrate the recipe of a long, healthy life - and how to apply these lessons in our modern environment.

Episode 1:
The Truth About Aging: Can It Be Slowed or Even Reversed?

Episode 2:
The Gut & Immune System: How Microbes Keep You Free Of Disease

Episode 3:
Diet and Exercise: The Surprising Habits of Healthy Populations

Episode 4:
Toxic Planet: How To Be Healthy In A Sick World

Episode 5:
Sleep, Light & Disease: Where The Western World Went Wrong and How To Fix it

Episode 6:
Raising Healthy Kids: Fertility, Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond

Episode 7:
Purpose, Gratitude & Community: What Healthy Societies Know That We Don't

Episode 8:
Cancer & Alzheimer's: How Centenarians Avoid Diseases of Aging

Episode 9:
The Way Forward: Combining Ancient Wisdom With Modern Technology


[GET] Instant eCom Funnels

[GET] Reiki Intrinsic Connection


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[GET] Reiki Prosperity


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[GET] [SUPER HOT SHARE] Matt Clark, Jason Katzenback – Amazing Selling Machine 9


Discover Your Opportunity For the Ultimate Financial Freedom by Cashing in on Your Share of Amazon’s $ 136 Billion in Sales

Amazing Selling Machine is the most successful program for building a successful Amazon business. It’s about more than just learning how to ell on Amazon, it’s program designed for building an entire physical products business.
Learn the Proven System for Becoming an Amazon Success

Discover how to build a real $100,000 per month business leveraging the power of Amazon.

Sales Page:



[GET] [SUPER HOT SHARE] Kevin Zicherman – MyWiFi Business in a Box


3 Months UNLIMITED MyWiFi Access

Launch your own White Label Social Wi-Fi Marketing Platform…
Wi-Fi BizBox Bootcamp Class –

Master the Key Business Models to Sell Social Wi-Fi Marketing…
FREE Social Powered Wi-Fi Hotspot – with shipping
Plug-and-Play Setup, Content Filter and Presence Analytics…
Members Area Marketing Materials
Includes Proposals, Brochures, Presentations and 1,000+ files…

1-Click WordPress Agency Website

Includes Template, Graphics, Content, Statistics and more…

Social Wi-Fi Explainer Video

Professionally designed Animated Video to share with clients…

Mobile Sales Mastermind Webclass

Simple to follow Sales Training Videos to close more deals…

Marketing Automation Masterclass

Step-by-Step Business Automation Techniques using Zapier…

Private Facebook Group Access – priceless

Connect with the best Wi-Fi Marketers and get real strategies…

24/7 Live Support & Knowledge Base– priceless

Our Team of Wi-Fi Experts are standing by to help you succeed…

Wi-Fi Wednesdays LIVE Weekly Training – priceless

Join Kevin Z. Every Week to get your questions answered LIVE…

UNLIMITED Managed Access Points – priceless

Easily Scale Your Business with no extra costs or hidden fees!

Sales Page:



[GET] HealthandWellnessplr PLR membership

[GET] Local Youtube For Cash Confidential


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[GET] Your Profit Funnel

[GET] Restaurant List Building Method + OTO1+OTO2

[GET] The Targeting Vault - Justin Cener


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Welcome to the Targeting Vault!

In the first section, you'll find the Introductory Video and the 90 minute Targeting and Testing Video. Watch these first.

Then browse through the Vault and watch as many of the niche targeting videos as you'd like!

Welcome To The Vault

Welcome To The Targeting Vault - https://player.vimeo.com/video/194122802

My Niche Targeting Strategy - https://player.vimeo.com/video/258448040
Targeting Cheatsheet - https://www.dropbox.com/s/fr79fuzi91...sheet.pdf?dl=0

The Targeting Vault

Survival - https://player.vimeo.com/video/194131201

Womens Fashion - https://player.vimeo.com/video/194131227

Coffee - https://player.vimeo.com/video/194131185

Dogs - https://player.vimeo.com/video/194131168

Guitars - https://player.vimeo.com/video/194131137

Dachshund - https://player.vimeo.com/video/194131124

Religion - https://player.vimeo.com/video/194131098

Spirituality - https://player.vimeo.com/video/194131064

Watches - https://player.vimeo.com/video/194131037

Outdoors - https://player.vimeo.com/video/194130960

Fitness - https://player.vimeo.com/video/194131005

Aquariums - https://player.vimeo.com/video/194130986

Woodworking - https://player.vimeo.com/video/194130942

Goth - https://player.vimeo.com/video/194130923

Elephant - https://player.vimeo.com/video/194130903

Baby - https://player.vimeo.com/video/194130882

PC Gamers - https://player.vimeo.com/video/194130860

Horses - https://player.vimeo.com/video/194130842

Engineering - https://player.vimeo.com/video/194130818

Beauty Style - https://player.vimeo.com/video/194130801

Crossfit Moms - https://player.vimeo.com/video/194130781

Cake Decorating - https://player.vimeo.com/video/194130751

Motorcycle Bikers - https://player.vimeo.com/video/194130725

Fishing - https://player.vimeo.com/video/194130699

Digital - https://player.vimeo.com/video/194130672

Yoga - https://player.vimeo.com/video/194130647

Science - https://player.vimeo.com/video/194130624

MMA - https://player.vimeo.com/video/194130602

Tea - https://player.vimeo.com/video/194130578

Travel - https://player.vimeo.com/video/194130548

Skin Care - https://player.vimeo.com/video/194130519

Cause Awareness - https://player.vimeo.com/video/194130491

Golf - https://player.vimeo.com/video/194130457

Adult Coloring Books - https://player.vimeo.com/video/194130418

Poker - https://player.vimeo.com/video/194130396

Video Games - https://player.vimeo.com/video/194130376

Cats - https://player.vimeo.com/video/194130352

Apparel - https://player.vimeo.com/video/194130327

Entrepreneuriship - https://player.vimeo.com/video/194130265

Farming - https://player.vimeo.com/video/194130177

Cooking - https://player.vimeo.com/video/194130085

Wealthy Lifestyle - https://player.vimeo.com/video/194129920

Mechanic - https://player.vimeo.com/video/194129779

Anime - No Video

Kids - https://player.vimeo.com/video/194129433

Wine - https://player.vimeo.com/video/194129562

Cell Phone Cases - https://player.vimeo.com/video/194129344

Programmers - https://player.vimeo.com/video/194129315

Pilots - https://player.vimeo.com/video/194129284

Cars - https://player.vimeo.com/video/194129240

Tennis - https://player.vimeo.com/video/194122802

Astrology Horoscopes - https://player.vimeo.com/video/274392336

Baseball - https://player.vimeo.com/video/274392438

Beards - https://player.vimeo.com/video/274392503

Butterfly - https://player.vimeo.com/video/274392973

Beer - https://player.vimeo.com/video/274392695

Biology - https://player.vimeo.com/video/274392771

Country - https://player.vimeo.com/video/274393158

Crossfit - https://player.vimeo.com/video/194130781

Dads Fathers Day - https://player.vimeo.com/video/274393313

Firefighter - https://player.vimeo.com/video/274393395

Foxes - https://player.vimeo.com/video/274393515

German Shepherds - https://player.vimeo.com/video/274393614

Grandparents - https://player.vimeo.com/video/274393716

Gymnastics - https://player.vimeo.com/video/274393761

Harry Potter - https://player.vimeo.com/video/274393910

Digital - https://player.vimeo.com/video/274394026

Leather - https://player.vimeo.com/video/274394141

Muslim Pride - https://player.vimeo.com/video/274394222

Navy - https://player.vimeo.com/video/274394386

Nerds - https://player.vimeo.com/video/274394568

Nurse - https://player.vimeo.com/video/274394778

Pit Bulls - https://player.vimeo.com/video/274394818

Police Law Enforcement - https://player.vimeo.com/video/274394856

Reading Book Lovers - https://player.vimeo.com/video/274394900

Skulls - https://player.vimeo.com/video/274394958

Soccer - https://player.vimeo.com/video/274395011

Streetwear - https://player.vimeo.com/video/274395118

Tattoos - https://player.vimeo.com/video/274395189

Teachers - https://player.vimeo.com/video/274395258

Unicorn - https://player.vimeo.com/video/274395320

Hipsters - https://player.vimeo.com/video/274394568

Parenting - https://player.vimeo.com/video/194129433

Craft Beer - https://player.vimeo.com/video/274392695
(Focus interest groups on Craft Beer Brands, not mainstream brands like Coors!)

Steampunk - https://player.vimeo.com/video/194130923

Cows - https://player.vimeo.com/video/277674736

Chickens - https://player.vimeo.com/video/277670781

Dentist - https://player.vimeo.com/video/278700260

Gun Lovers - https://player.vimeo.com/video/277683662

Politics - https://player.vimeo.com/video/277694267

Board Games - No Video

Weightlifting - No Video

Surfing - No Video

Basketball - https://player.vimeo.com/video/277678023

Football - No Video

Hockey - No Video

Patriotic - No Video

Wolves - No Video

Vegan - https://player.vimeo.com/video/277690813

Pugs - No Video

Monthly Targeting Club

Turtles - https://player.vimeo.com/video/278703337

Womens Rights Movement - https://player.vimeo.com/video/278706429

[GET] [SUPER HOT SHARE] Nathan Gotch – Gotch SEO Academy 2.0


How to Quickly Learn SEO Without Any Marketing Experience

The opportunity to grow your business using SEO is bigger than ever.
The opportunity for you to turn SEO into a career is bigger than ever.
But at the end of the day, simply knowing this isn’t enough.
You need to take action.
You need a blueprint to follow.
But not just any blueprint.
You need a blueprint that’s been tested, refined, and proven.
That blueprint is Gotch SEO Academy 2.0.


Conversion Mastery

Phase 1 will show you my exact conversion framework step-by-step so you can turn your organic search visitors into leads and paying customers. Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • Discover the KPIs that actually matter in SEO (and how to use them to predict the future success of your SEO campaign).
  • How to create lead magnets that convert well over 50% (Yes, there’s a step-by-step formula you can follow)
  • Get access to my funnel that can help you get “free” advertising
  • See my how I counter prospects that say “No” and turn them into paying customers
  • Learn my 9 persuasion methods that I use on a daily basis to push prospects into action so they share my content, link to my content, and buy my stuff. I’ve never shared these with the public.
  • BONUS: Get access to the exact strategies I’ve used to get over 50,000 people to join my email list.


User Experience Mastery

Phase 2 will show you how to build a website that both users and Google loves through optimizing your site’s technical and UX performance. Here’s what’s inside:

  • Learn how to perform a proper content audit so your website becomes a lean, ranking machine (clients pay $2,500 for this process alone).
  • Get access to the site archictecture blueprints that will turn your website into an authoritative powerhouse. Plus, l’ll show you several examples of websites “doing it right” that you can model.
  • I’ll also show you step-by-step how to fix high-impact technical issues such as site loading speed, mobile friendliness, and so much more. You’ll also learn how fix micro technical issues that most people don’t even think about.
  • Discover the User Experience “Killers” that will murder your rankings.


SEO Content Mastery

Phase 3 will show you exactly how to create SEO content that consistently ranks on the 1st page of Google. This is what you’ll see inside:

  • My exact SEO content development process that’s responsible for thousands of 1st page rankings.
  • See the content strategy I use for every website and the two methods I use to capture content market share.
  • Learn the 3 actions you must take before creating your first SEO content assets (99.9% of people don’t do this).
  • Discover how to do effective keyword research that doesn’t waste your time. You’ll also get access to over 30 different methods I use to find keywords (that your prospects actually care about).
  • Get access to my exclusive content blueprints. These are blueprints I’ve developed by analyzing and being a part of thousands of successful SEO campaigns.
  • Learn how to create SEO content yourself or learn to outsource your content creation.
  • See exactly how to optimize your content so that Google’s algorithms salivate over it. Plus, I’ll show you my favorite underground tactics for driving more traffic to your SEO content assets (without creating any new content).


Link Building Mastery

Phase 4 will show you step-by-step how to get more backlinks to your content and website. Here’s what’s inside:

  • Learn my link building workflow that makes getting new backlinks easy.
  • Discover the 6 characteristics of a perfect backlink (following this will help you get the most bang for your buck).
  • See my favorite method for prioritizing thousands of link prospects.
  • Learn how to optimize anchor text so you can avoid getting penalized, but still get amazing results.
  • Get access to the best methods for finding thousands of link opportunities within your niche.
  • Discover my favorite tactics for reclaiming backlinks that are rightfully yours.
  • See how to qualify your link prospects so you never waste your time on bad opportunities.
  • Learn how to actually build relationships with your prospects so you can get more backlinks (and build your network).
  • Get access to the exact outreach tactics I use to get backlinks consistently
  • NEW: See my email promotion framework that I use to promote every new content asset so that it gets immediate traction (I call this the “unfair advantage”)

Sales Page:



[GET] [SUPER HOT SHARE] Paul Baron – Amazon Reviews On Autopilot


The Bulletproof Way To Get Positive VERIFIED Reviews On Amazon, On Autopilot, No Matter How Often Amazon Keeps Changing The Rules

Can you imagine what it would mean for your business if 95%+ of all the people you have on your list would actually SEE your message?

Using the chatbots now is the equivalent of using email in the 90s and early 00s.
And despite some critics, messenger chatbots are NOT a current trend that will fade away.
Currently, there are over 1.2 BILLION people using Facebook Messenger on a daily basis. And that number constantly grows. There are even some projections stating that Messenger will become the world’s single largest marketing channel in the next 3-5 years!
Plus, Facebook constantly releases new updates to this platform and invests billions of dollars into AI (artificial intelligence), which only means that we’re going to see:

  1. More of the chatbots, and not less
  2. More quality chatbots with a lot of features and possibilities

Mark my words (that are based on data and experience)…
Chatbots are here to STAY!
Now, the big question is…
“But will this work for Amazon sellers?”

My short answer is… YES.
I’ve been an Amazon seller since 2015. I have a $100k+ per month Amazon business.
So do my friends, Ben and Nate.
In all this time, with all the resources we have, we’ve never seen anything work as good as Messenger Chatbots.
You already saw my results with chatbots.
For one of my products I got 112 positive verified reviews in just 2 weeks! The other one got 140 in the same period.

And the good news is that this is 100% compliant with all Amazon’s terms of service.
Also, and this is a big one…
Using Messenger Chatbots to get reviews on autopilot is one of the only few ways that are 100% resistant to constant Amazon changes!

Which is great when you know that Amazon already killed some of the best and most effective ways to get reviews.
Things like incentivized reviews, discount coupons, etc.
This won’t happen with chatbots.
How can I make such a claim?
Simply because using a chatbot isn’t some hack, or trick, or loophole. This is a strategic automation of a legitimate way to get reviews – asking satisfied customers to do it.
Now, with all this being said, there are two big misconceptions with Amazon sellers when it comes to chatbots:
Misconception #1: Chatbots sound so technical and are probably too complicated to set up

Misconception #2: I’ll probably need a developer to set it up, so this probably costs a lot of money

Luckily for you, none of these are true.
Although chatbots sound like something high-tech, they’re just a series of predefined messages sent based on certain actions.
So, let’s sum it up:
Facebook Messenger is THE hottest platform right now with over 1.2 BILLION people using it daily

These numbers are growing, and people actually prefer using and communicating over FB Messenger more than they do over email.
Messenger Chatbots are now what email used to be in the 90s and early 00s… only bigger

These days, we’re happy if we get a 20% open rate on our emails. With 25-30% you’re doing GREAT. But with chatbots we’re seeing open rates constantly going over 90% with 60%+ click rates.
Plus, email didn’t have 1.2B users in the 90s. Messenger does.
Using chatbots is a bulletproof way to get positive verified reviews, no matter how often Amazon keeps making changes

We’re talking about an automation of a process. Not some tricks, hacks or black-hat stuff that work today but could get your account blocked tomorrow.
And because you’re automating a legit process, you’re safe from the upcoming changes.
You can also use Messenger Chatbots to DRASTICALLY increase your Amazon sales

Getting reviews is just one of the many chatbot applications you can use to grow your business. And once you learn the logic and the strategy behind a chatbot flow and how to effectively create them, only sky’s the limit for your business.
From a technical standpoint, chatbots are really easy and cheap to set up

You don’t need an expensive developer, or a complex software. We do this with some very affordable and easy to use tools like ManyChat or MsgHero.
The real “trick” with chatbots is knowing how to use them to get sales and reviews, how to plan them out before you start creating one, and what to say in a message to get the maximum effect

And since we can’t cover everything on such a small page like this one, Ben, Nathan, and myself decided to accept the invitation and hop on a call with Mike McClary to do a workshop called…
Amazon Reviews on Autopilot – How To Use The Hottest New Piece Of Tech To Get A Surge Of Leads, Increase Your Sales, And Get More Positive VERIFIED Reviews, Despite The Constant Amazon Changes

In over 3 hours of this intense training you’ll see things like:

  • How to use chatbots – the hottest marketing tech today – to get more reviews from your current customers
  • How to build a list of leads that has 90%+ open rates
  • How to PROPERLY set up a chatbot for maximum results
  • How to build effective chatbot funnels that spit out customers and reviews all day long, 100% automated
  • How to turn FB Messenger into your own personal ATM
  • What to say in your messages to motivate people to open, click, and buy your products
  • And much more…

In addition to this info, you’ll also get:

  • EVERYTHING we use to get leads, sales, and reviews on autopilot. We’ll give you our flows, funnels, and copy we use that you can adapt to your own business
  • A closed, private FB group for support and ongoing training, so that you can stay up-to-date with the latest trends and what works now
  • Special, done only for you, never shared before, training where my good friend Nate and I share with you how to set up your first bot using ManyChat and then get you first 1,500 subscribers in a week or less. This is all accompanied by PDF guides and tutorials

  • A complete, step-by-step process and know-how to get more leads, sales, and POSITIVE VERIFIED REVIEWS on autopilot
  • DONE-FOR-YOU scripts, flows, funnels, and templates that you can change in an afternoon and use them to grow your business

The value of this is HUGE. But let’s put a dollar sign to all this.

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