Highlights include:
The formula for content success in 10 different sectors
The data on whether long-form or short-form copy works best
The characteristics of content that gets shared and content that ranks highly for search
The headlines that grab attention for different audiences
The content formats that drive engagement and those that turn people off
https://business.linkedin.com/content/dam/me/business/en-us/marketing-solutions/cx/2017/pdfs/the_dna_behind_the_worlds_most_succesful_content_v 1.pdf
The formula for content success in 10 different sectors
The data on whether long-form or short-form copy works best
The characteristics of content that gets shared and content that ranks highly for search
The headlines that grab attention for different audiences
The content formats that drive engagement and those that turn people off
https://business.linkedin.com/content/dam/me/business/en-us/marketing-solutions/cx/2017/pdfs/the_dna_behind_the_worlds_most_succesful_content_v 1.pdf