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[GET] Anthony Metivier – The Magnetic Memory Method


Read on to discover some of my cutting-edge memory strategies. Plus, you’ll discover a one-time only opportunity I guarantee will improve your memory and create positive change throughout your entire life …
Dear Friend,
Is this the most unusual course on memory improvement success ever created?
Could be.
Imagine having access to the following:
Everything you need to enhance your ability to memorize and recall any information. You get focused training without the fluff that fills most memory improvement books, video programs and audio courses
Step-by-step worksheets, exercises and guides you can follow. You’ll feel your memory improving as you go
The most advanced memory training ever created, diving deep into each technique as you quickly learn the easiest and quickest paths to success
In-depth training about how to go beyond memorizing and recalling information. You’ll use what you’ve learned to become an A+ student, a professional in your field or world class expert
Special supplemental extras for improving every area in which the health of your memory and your brain touches your life
And just suppose you could sit down, create a simple strategy for memorizing vocabulary, mathematical formulas, names, facts, dates and even long speeches and have the material ready for use at any time.
And that you could achieve these skills in a way that is easy, elegant, effective and fun.
If that sounds valuable to you, then you’re in luck.
Because easy, elegant, effective and fun is exactly what you get when you use the Magnetic Memory Method to improve your ability to learn, memorize and recall the important information that can make a huge difference in the positive direction of your life.
Imagine… One Simple Strategy That Places Life-Improving Information Directly Into Your Long Term Memory.
So that any time you need that information, you simply “turn the tap” on and there it is. Your mind becomes like the goose that lays the golden egg.
Whenever you need it.
Sound to good to be true?
Well, perfect recall isn’t too good to be true.
Not by a long shot.
Not if you have the right tools.
You see, when it comes to spending time learning a dedicated memory strategy, nothing provides a better return on the investment of time and energy than the Magnetic Memory Method.
It really doesn’t matter what you’re trying to memorize. This method is the perfect tool for memorizing any kind of information.
Why? Because it uses Memory Palaces.
What are Memory Palaces?
They are mental constructs based on familiar locations that you know intimately.
You’ve probably heard about them before. You may even have wondered if they might be something for you.
At Last! Everything You Need To Know Has Been Prepared With You In Mind…
Simply put, Memory Palaces are like having an automated computer in your brain that saves any piece of information you want so that you can retrieve it later without having to think about it.
In just a short period of time, you can fill-in-the-blanks of the Worksheets provided in this course and have exactly the right amount of Memory Palaces for memorizing anything you could ever need to have in your mind.
And Memory Palaces are just one of the powerful memory tools you’ll start putting into action immediately.
Fact is, thousands of people just like you have successfully used the Magnetic Memory Method based on proven aspects of memory psychology.
Memory Course #1:
The Magnetic Memory Method Masterplan
This course introduces you to the most powerful memory techniques on earth. Learn everything in a friendly setting from a master memory instructor. No stone is left unturned in this introductory course.
Here’s just some of what you’ll discover inside …
* Why memory techniques are like a bicycle everyone can ride (with some minor personal adjustments).
* 5 “stealth” secrets for creating memories that last forever.
* Simple exercises so easy and potent that you’ll surprise yourself by the untapped imagination lying dormant in your mind.
* Exactly how many pieces of information to memorize in order to maximize your results with ease.
* Memory secrets not even World Memory Champions know about or use – and yet still claim prizes of up to $40,000!
* Completely scientific ways to practice the information you’ve memorized in low-stress environments so that you’re calm and relaxed during exams or while giving speeches in front of groups.
* Dozens of examples of how to use simple images to make information unforgettable.
Memory Course #2:
How To Learn & Memorize The Vocabulary Of Any Language
Suitable for anyone learning vocabulary of any kind, be it in your mother tongue, French, German, Spanish, etc. You can literally learn a word once and have it available for recall at any time, any place and under any conditions.
Plus, you’ll learn:
* The real reason why no one should ever be squeamish about memorization or learning a language.
* Why and how some of the most famous memory skills are applicable to learning any language.
* How to create a 26 “letter location” memory system based on the alphabet English. Use this to memorize thousands of words in any language.
* Sample examples that will show you exactly how and why these memory techniques and strategies work.
* Unique approaches that will have you literally “tuning in” on any language so that you can memorize its vocabulary and recall it with ease.
* How to use actors, other public figures and famous pieces of artwork to help you memorize vocabulary.
* How to separate words in the most effective manner for easy memorization and recall.
* A simple strategy for memorizing the male, neuter and feminine genders (a process that some people consider the ultimate nightmare of foreign language learning.)
* A list of resources, including the secret to finding the absolute best dictionary to use when learning and memorizing vocabulary.
* How having a larger vocabulary will fill your travel in countries countries around the world with greater freedom to explore and enjoy the sights and culture.
* … and much, much more!
Memory Course #3:
How To Memorize Names & Faces
For business people and teachers, keeping track of the people you work with is the ultimate nightmare.
Not any more. Put the simple lessons in this course to work and you’ll never forget a name again. Extend your memory skills and learn:
* The weakest, classic and the most potent way to memorize not just names but faces – exactly how people look.
* Simple examples of complex names to walk you through the process.
* Two secret ways to use relaxation to aid the memorization process so that you memorize and recall names naturally and with ease.
These two methods alone are worth the price of the entire Magnetic Memory Method Masterclass because they will literally eliminate stress from your body as you memorize new names the instant you hear them.
Memory Course #4:
How To Learn & Memorize Poetry
Poetry? Really? Why on earth verse?
For anyone looking to memorize texts verbatim, this course is the best way to master the techniques. You can use the same information to memorize jokes, limericks, lyrics, quotes and even long speeches.
You’ll never be at a loss for something to say again.

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