100% Profit and Ownership: When you publish an info product, you keep all the profit. There are no products to buy, so theres no cost for inventory either.
Reputation Building
Your info products will immediately establish YOU as an authority on your niche. Your products will build a relationship and trust with your audience. You can promote other info products or affiliate products to them once you can establish the authority and trust.
Info product publishing is scalable. This means that selling 5,000 of a product is no different than selling 5 of a product!
Easy Distribution
Info product distribution is so easy. People have to download or access the info product online. There is no physical location, inventory or shipping required.
Location Independent
With info products, you can sell to and from anywhere in the world. Location does not limit info product publishing.
Info products can quickly be updated or changed. Made a spelling error somewhere? Type, click, and its corrected. Want to create a unique coupon? Thats also just a couple clicks away.
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